Best Home Maintenance Tips You Will Find On The Internet In 2021


When buying or selling a new home, the first thing which all of us look into is financial responsibility which is a basic human instinct. However, a home needs timely maintenance like a new car to lock its beauty and improve living. Hearing these tasks can be intimidating for a new homeowner as you don’t want to spend your weekend on maintenance tasks.


Moreover, even if you are ready for the dreaded task, you might not know the correct procedure. You might lack the right tools for the job or are not efficient and professional as your nearest handyman services Calgary We have combined all the home maintenance tips in this article for all the new homeowners who want to get into some cleaning business this weekend.


Changing HVAC Filters:

Most of the experts recommend checking the HVAC filters every month if you have many allergies and pets accompanying you indoors. On the other hand, if your filters are not dirty, you can change them every 3-4 months. It is better to go with cheap filters as you can often replace them compared to expensive filters. Check for the dirt in your filters and if you find them clean, then postpone the task for next month.


Cleaning the Range Hood Filters:

If you have never traveled to the kitchen, this weekend will be a treat to visit as you will be cleaning the range hood filters. It is recommended to clean it with degreaser combined with hot water which is great for the task.


Inspecting Fire-Extinguishers:

Safety is a priority as you cannot see your expensive home burning to ash because the nozzle of the fire-extinguisher is tight or not working. Although the inspection is not hard, you have to only check the pressure on the gauge, and if it shows the right readings, you are all set to go for the next task.


Kitchen Sink:

Your trip to the kitchen for maintenance ends here, but cleaning your kitchen sink is not the task you have opted for, yet it is one of the most important jobs on the home maintenance list. Add vinegar and ice tray to the sink for disposal.


Check The Exterior Damage:

Unfortunately, if a storm or cyclone has hit your town hard, then you must check your roof and outdoors to inspect any susceptible damage. You need to repair it at the very beginning to ensure that you don’t have to spend a heft amount on renovations.


If you don’t want to spend your weekend on the above-mentioned task then here is what you to do,

Contact my home handyman services who are leading handyman services in Calgary. From painting services Calgary to a background check, they got you covered in all aspects.


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